⦿ College lacrosse has been around for over a century, making it one ofthe oldest college sports

⦿ Lacrosse is an equivalency sport, meaning that coaches are allowed tosplit up there scholarships and offer both full scholarships as well as partial scholarships

⦿ Junior colleges are allowed to give out 20 scholarships per team giving lacrosse players some great scholarship opportunities

⦿ There are 417 men’s and 526 women’s teams across all divisions – There are almost 30,000 college lacrosse players

⦿ Scholarship limits per team: D1 Men – 12.6, D1 Women – 12, D2 Men – 10.8, D2 Women – 9.9, NJCAA Men & Women – 20

⦿ Most successful college lacrosse programs: Duke, Syracuse, Virginia, Princeton, North Carolina