Our best advice to aspiring college athletes

One question we get asked a lot by both athletes and their parents, is what important advice we can give them about the recruiting process. While there are many factors that go into a successful process, the two things we always tell people are starting the process early and staying engaged with coaches. Here is some more information about these two crucial recruiting tips:

  1. Starting early: This is super important for several reason. First of all, there are just more scholarships available when you start early. Secondly, it gives coaches the chance to follow your progress over a certain period of time. And lastly, it just gives you more time to do all the necessary steps properly. For example, it gives you the chance to take the SAT or TOEFL test more than once. Or it allows you to apply for other scholarships that maybe have a deadline attached to them. So you really cannot start early enough!
  2. Staying engaged: This is also very important and very often gets neglected by aspiring college athletes. Once you are in touch with a coach, that means that the coach has shown interest in you. Now it is up to you to show interest in the coach, team and school and to show the coach that you want to be part of his or her team. You do that by staying engaged with a coach, even after your initial phone call, and by showing more effort and interest than other athletes who are competing for that same scholarship.

Check out our latest Youtube video for more on this topic!

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