What are the benefits of a US college degree?

There are many benefits of studying in the US and for most student-athletes who complete their bachelor’s degree over here, many opportunities will emerge. From great job opportunities both in the US and abroad, to the chance of getting into your dream school for your master’s degree, there are definitely options for you once you finish your degree. Also, if you are looking to pursue a career in your sport, for example as a professional, a college degree might help you attract certain companies to sponsor you, which is not necessarily the case for a younger player with no college experience. College golf has gotten so popular in the US that events are televised live across the country and a lot of people pay close attention to the results of college tournaments each week.

The second benefit from studying in the US and receiving a degree here, are the connections that you will build along the way. As a student athlete, you will meet many interesting people from different backgrounds during your four years of college, so chances are, you will meet a lot of great people and make friendships that will last for the rest of your life.

The third benefit that you will have from completing your studies in the US, is that you will grow up and become an adult very quickly! Being far away from home will teach you a lot of things and you will learn certain skills that you might not even have known about when you were living at home. In college, you need to take care of all your day to day duties, such as doing your own laundry, being on time to certain meetings and practices, or doing your own shopping. These are things that a lot of teenagers take for granted when they live at home and they learn about their importance very quickly once they are in college on their own.

Last but not least, it is a lot of fun! You will make memories that will last a lifetime all while making new friends and learning a new language. Traveling abroad is something we cannot recommend enough and doing it while getting a quality education is absolutely priceless. Furthermore, having a degree from a university abroad might even increase your chances of a good job in your home country, because it will show companies that you were willing to take a risk and try something different on your own. So why not give it a try? It could very well be the best decision of your life!

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